czwartek, 23 marca 2017

#Small tips - Windows update problems

Next post will be about Windows update problems.
Today at my job I had got a problem with update installation on Windows 8.1.
The updates was downloaded from my local WSUS server correctly but I couldn’t install it.
Solution was very simple.
First of all you need to stop windows update service.
1.      Type services.msc in windows search box. Look for Windows Update and stop it.

Next you need to delete two folders from C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution – DataStore and Download

Finally you can start windows update service again, and go to Control Panel to search and install updates.

czwartek, 16 marca 2017

#Small tips - Cannot attach the file (Entity Framework)

Hi, today I had got problem after deleted my database mdf file from catalog App_Data.
I want to create new database by using update-database  command in Package Manager Console (in Visual Studio).

So if you get this error and you are using sqllocaldb as your database for ASP.NET MVC project:

You need to open Developer Command Prompt for VS2015 (enter name in search box of your Windows system)

Then run the following commands:

sqllocaldb.exe stop

And next

sqllocaldb.exe delete

After this your update-database should work property.

Get Noticed 2017! - License Manager #2 - Models

Hi, today I will show my models for my project.
There are three models that I have created:
  1. License - to store all informations about software
  2. LicenseType - to store type of license
  3. Workstation - to store informations about workstations
All models will be use to create tables in database using Entity Framework Code First, and for create ViewModel classes.

License model

LicenseType model

Workstation model

poniedziałek, 13 marca 2017

Get Noticed 2017! - License Manager #1 - technology review

This blog was created specifically for Get Noticed 2017! competition.

More details about competition can be found at In addition to running a blog, I must create a programming project.

I choosed application used to license management of computer software like operating systems and office software.

License Manager, this's name of my application was created as intranet webpage. To create my project I choose two programming languages: C# and JavaScript and ASP.NET MVC pattern.
To store data I will choose Postgres database and ORM technology - EntityFramework.

The basic premise of the application is that's has to work, I don't care much how it looks, becouse I much prefer back-end then front-end.

The project of the application will have the following features:
  • recording license
  • license type definition
  • workstations definition
  • assign licenses to workstations

As part of the recording of a license will be possible:
  • add license, include informations like: name of software, buy date, number of license, license type, serial number
  • edit
  • remove
  • assign licenses to workstations

As part of the license type definition will be possible:
  • add license type (only name for example: OEM, BOX)
  • remove

As part of the worstations definition
  • add worstation with informations like: inventory number, computer name, ip address and room

niedziela, 12 marca 2017

Hello post


Before I'll introduce myself I must tell my English is not perfect, but I have hope to change it soon.

Who I'm?

My name is Maciek. I'm currently working as IT Specialist, and that's all in this moment, maybe I will give you more details in the future.

Do I have any degree?

Yes, I'm master engineer of computer science.

What do I know?

I have good knowledge about network administration and windows server administration (local servers and domain servers), also I know some things about programming in C# and JAVA.

I have knowledge in .NET technologies and tools like:

  • WPF
  • Entity Framework
  • Visual Studio

Also academic knowledge about JAVA programming technologies and tools:
  • Basic JAVA knowledge
  • Eclipse and Android Studio

And other important things like:
  • GIT, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases