poniedziałek, 13 marca 2017

Get Noticed 2017! - License Manager #1 - technology review

This blog was created specifically for Get Noticed 2017! competition.

More details about competition can be found at dajsiepoznac.pl. In addition to running a blog, I must create a programming project.

I choosed application used to license management of computer software like operating systems and office software.

License Manager, this's name of my application was created as intranet webpage. To create my project I choose two programming languages: C# and JavaScript and ASP.NET MVC pattern.
To store data I will choose Postgres database and ORM technology - EntityFramework.

The basic premise of the application is that's has to work, I don't care much how it looks, becouse I much prefer back-end then front-end.

The project of the application will have the following features:
  • recording license
  • license type definition
  • workstations definition
  • assign licenses to workstations

As part of the recording of a license will be possible:
  • add license, include informations like: name of software, buy date, number of license, license type, serial number
  • edit
  • remove
  • assign licenses to workstations

As part of the license type definition will be possible:
  • add license type (only name for example: OEM, BOX)
  • remove

As part of the worstations definition
  • add worstation with informations like: inventory number, computer name, ip address and room

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